Welcome to Loffy's Domain

Tutorials and Maps for Classic Shooters. I put together this website to provide tutorials and maps for classic first-person shooters. Whether you're a seasoned mapper or just starting your journey into level design, you'll find valuable resources and inspiration here.

RtCW – Return to Castle Wolfenstein

Embark on a journey through the iconic world of Return to Castle Wolfenstein. Discover beginner-friendly mapping tutorials and explore the diverse collection of multiplayer and single-player maps that I created myself.

Enemy Territory

Dive into the intense world of Enemy Territory with mapping tutorials and designed multiplayer and single-player maps. Unleash your creativity and enhance your gaming experience.

Instagibmod ETQW – Quake Wars

Experience the fast-paced action of Instagibmod ETQW and explore five adrenaline-pumping multiplayer maps that I put together. Delve into miscellaneous content for added excitement and variety.

Start Exploring

Click on any of the options to dive deeper into your preferred game universe. Whether you're seeking knowledge, inspiration, or simply looking for new challenges, I hope my domain has something for every enthusiast.